
2016 Readings!

Hello, friends! Would you like a reading for 2016? I’m offering the following readings:

  • a 12-month review with cards and charms for $75
  • a three-month review with cards and charms for $40
  • a 2016 snapshot with a card, a charm, and a rune for $10.

Let me know at if you’re interested! Peek into the mists!

Bright blessings and happy 2016!

The Muse’s Darling

Personal 2016 Snapshot: Queen of Coins, The Key, Kenaz, and Isa

Would you like a 2016 Snapshot like this one here I did for myself? It’s got one card, one charm and one rune (unless two charms or runes want to come out and play like the runes did here, because there’s no controlling them, really)? Just send me $10 via Paypal to and I’ll send you a photo and a mini-reading to go with it. 😀 More information about full 2016 readings tomorrow. Bright blessings, my dears!


Sat. 11/14 Class at Tarot Art & Tattoo Gallery in Sonoma, CA!

Hey guys! I’m going to be teaching a class on using charms with the Tarot at Kristine Gorman’s Tarot Art & Tattoo Gallery ( in Sonoma, CA this November on Saturday 11/14 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Yay!! I’m so excited! This class will teach you to use charms with your tarot cards to help narrow things down a bit, giving you direction and some clarity & maybe even a new way of seeing the cards as you work with both systems of divination. For more info, call Kristine and Shotsie at (707) 938-3000. The gallery is at 17977 Highway 12, Sonoma, California 95476, a short drive north of San Francisco. Call Kristine and Shotsie to reserve your seat, because seating is limited. Workshop price $125. $25 non-refundable deposit required to reserve seat. We’re going to be doing some ancestor divination as well, since we’re so close to Samhain. So call to sign up today, and November 14th come out and play!

Summer Solstice Readings Sale!

Hi everyone! Happy Solstice to you! In honor of the turning of The Wheel, I am offering readings at discounted prices. Email me at if you’d like a 3-card reading covering the next three months, and of course there will be charms and maybe a rune or a stave or two. Hooray!

Cost: $40 via Paypal and I’ll email you a photo of the reading. (I’ll send you my Paypal info when you order a reading.)

So email me at and see what the summer holds in store for you!

xo xo



Two hundred posts!!

Hey gang! I’ve made two hundred posts on this blog hooray! Thank you for being a part of it, and I hope you’ve enjoyed things so far.

So to commemorate this milestone, I’m offering a $10 Ostara card reading today! I’ll draw one card for what to bring in this Spring and one for what to let go of, and you can send me $10 via Paypal. Email me at if you want this reading. You don’t have to have a Paypal account–just an email address and a credit/debit card.

Hail Ostara! And yay for two hundred posts! 😀

Me Ostara

xo Karen xo

Solstice readings only $30! Yay! Hail Yule!

Ok you darlings, who wants a reading for the Solstice? We here at Muse’s Darling Industries are offering a GREAT deal: $30 for a four-card reading with charms and runes. Want to know where your focus should be at this turning of The Wheel? Are you on track? Have you lost the thread and are you needing to get back to your source? Are the same issues coming up over and over again? Ping me here (or email me at and let’s find out why! My readings are usually $75 for a full hour of cards/charms and $50 for four cards and a few charms, so this is a GREAT deal for you! Hooray divination magic! Let me know how I can help you!

Card for 9/18/14: Make your own meaning

Hello, darlings! I’ve been taking a break, learning new things, and rediscovering what unemployment feels like (got laid off at the end of July). So while I’m out here looking for work, I’m also tapping more into my divination practice, and here’s what we’ve got for today.

Four of Earth, the Sphinx (The Dark Goddess Tarot,  Ellen Lorenzi-Prince)

Four of Earth, the Sphinx (The Dark Goddess Tarot, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince)

This is the Four of Earth from Ellen Lorenzi-Prince’s Dark Goddess Tarot. She’s magnificent and mysterious, and death comes from not knowing her. Something about that touched me deeply today when I pulled the card. I read what Ellen wrote about this card, about how the sacred pillars of the world around which the self builds and defines itself can become restricting and limiting, and how we need to break those pillars down and redefine/rebuild them in order to keep growing. And then I started to cry. I couldn’t get more deeply into the card than that, and it struck me immediately that what I need to do for today, for this card, is to allow tears to be the answer. I need to weep. It’s raining a tiny bit outside my SF Bay Area home right now for the first time in many months, so maybe I’m experiencing a kind of sympathetic grief and release. But whatever the case, I’ve decided that that’s the meaning for the card today: grieve, or feel, whatever you need to today. Be within your pillars, and know that they are limiting you and that you will tear them down soon. You will change what you need to change, because you must. And in the meantime, cry. Go ahead. It’s fine. You have divine permission to have as big or as small a meltdown as you need to. So go for it.

Today’s Reading: Dealing with Internet Overload

Good morning, my dears! I hope everyone is doing well today. With all the horrible, terrible, awful news in the world happening right now, just being happy seems like a revolutionary act. With that in mind, today’s reading is about how to deal with information and far-flung disaster overload: what to do about it in an active sense, and what to release because it’s out of our control. Let’s have a look.

earth shattering kaboom

Oh wait… No, that’s not it (no matter how much we want to deliver an Earth-shattering kaboom to some people). 😉

Ah! here we go:

cards 7-24-14

On the left (you’ll see I’m using The Light and Shadow Tarot here) we have the 9 of Pentacles on the side of what we can do actively to protect ourselves against Internet overload. This is a card of great discernment and choice, and of celebration in knowing that you are creating the best things for yourself. Choose how you want your world to be; in this example, I am choosing to disconnect myself as much as possible today from Facebook and Twitter, not because either of those outlets are inherently bad. They’re not. It’s just that they’re doorways into the world, and as we know, all doors function both to let me out and to let the outside in. And that’s what’s happening in my own reality: I’ve lost control of my Inner Bouncer, and therefore all kinds of negativity and chaos is making its way into my life because I’m not using choice and discernment to keep it out. I’ve worked hard to create the life I have now, and so I imagine have you all. So let’s not let the madness around things over which we have no control and about which we can do nothing have any more space in our precious lives. Get that Inner Bouncer some Red Bull and wake her up!

On the right we have the reversed King of Swords. This position is representing what we must release in order to protect ourselves. The King of Swords is the master of the realm of air, the power and energy of the element itself made manifest. We wouldn’t be far off the mark in associating him with the Internet itself because of its seeming nature as hive “mind,” and in this case, he’s reversed. The Hive Mind is out of control and it’s best to just release it today. This is a validation of the desire to remove from it, and perhaps to engage in more outdoor activities like the figure in the 9 of Pentacles on the left: go play in the sun, and let the crazy news day pass. Planes will crash in this world, religio-political armies will enforce their will on weak and undefended populi, species will go extinct, pollution will leach into the oceans and the air, just as they always have. We can’t stop these things, even if we tried. Many of us do try because it is in our nature to help, to care, to want to rescue what needs so desperately to be rescued. But here’s the thing: what needs rescuing right now, and what we actually can rescue, is our own sense of inner peace and stability. It’s not as sexy or as sound-bite worthy as ranting about ISIS (believe me, I tried that myself this morning). But it’s what needs to happen right now. It’s what the world needs: more of us at peace in our lives. So let go of what you can’t control, and direct your amazing mind to what you can control: yourself.

Carrie Paris’s “Open the Symbol, Ignite the Spirit” Spread

Good afternoon, friends! Today’s reading uses the “Open the Symbol, Ignite the Spirit” spread from the inestimable Carrie Paris ( It’s a wonderful five-card spread that delves into elemental motivations that surround us at the present moment and bring wisdom from alchemical structures and symbols. Here is the layout from Carrie’s web site:

carries layout

I then took it and put it into a pentagram and distributed the elements in a way that made sense to me. Take a look:

cards both


And then I shuffled up and laid out the cards, using The Light and Shadow Tarot by Brian Williams and Michael Goepferd. I didn’t have a question in mind; I just went with Carrie’s direction of opening the elements, with the intention of Starting with Fire in the bottom left, I laid out the pentacle in the following order (basically opening the Pentacle): Fire, Air, Earth, Spirit, and Water. Let’s look at what came up.

Under Fire (what is burning for you), the card is the Three of Wands. This is a card of balancing the energies that have been generated so far and sent off into the world, and waiting to see what comes back. It’s also a card of growth and energy. The sun rules this card, as does Aries, so there’s a ton of power and potential here. Wands are all about fire, about creation and passion and generation. In the element of Fire, the Fire House of the spread, it adds fuel to the engine of what we’ve sent out and gives it an extra layer of oomph. It’s very important to keep those fires going even though we don’t have validation (yet) that what we’ve sent out will successfully reach its target and then safely come back to us–in the same way that you can’t send something out on its way and then keep calling it back to you because you’re insecure and you really really want to make sure it’s ok, you can’t call this energy back now that it’s out there. You have to let it go, and keep the fires of your passion burning brightly on faith. Luckily, your faith is strong.

Under Air (that which wants to be given voice), we have the first of three knights in this reading, the Prince of Pentacles. This is such an earthy card you can practically smell the buffalo. While the Prince has wings to help him rise above any earthly problems (which is a useful gift to have in the House of Air here), he doesn’t really need them. He holds pentacles lightly in each hand, signifying control over the suit without being controlled by it, and he wears horns like the buffalo, which symbolizes a unity with the deeply rooted force at the source of this card as well as an ancestral force for forward movement and connection with the land.  He is powerfully in control of the thoughts he is channeling, and he can use the immense power of the buffalo to drive his thoughts and ideas in any direction he chooses. As a knight he’s a seeker, a searcher for truth and understanding in the world of Air, and he uses his slow, careful, methodical powers to sort and sift through everything that floats through his airy perch here, and uses it to feed the other energies of the larger Pentacle.

Under Earth (the plan that wants to be realized), we have the second of the knights in the reading, the reversed Prince of Cups. When upright, this card is sweet and dreamy, the water-bearer and the one who carries the mystery forward from the heart into the wider world. He is the one who believes without question. But now in this reading he is reversed, and all his mysteries are pouring out into the Earth House itself at the right foot of the Pentacle. He is not in his element here, and his vision is clouded by earthly concerns. His heart has been broken, perhaps, and it’s causing him to see through his “grief goggles” rather than seeing what’s really there. This foundation of the larger Pentacle is shaky, but it may not be a bad thing. It could be that, just as a mermaid struggles on land to adjust to her new legs when she’s been used to having a powerful tail, the Prince of Cups is struggling to bring his heart into alignment with earthy reality rather than living in a beautiful fantasy that is utterly unrelated to anything real. The water seeps into the soil of the Earth House, and we hope that it will bring refreshment and growth to whatever seeds are there, to give rootedness to the Prince’s emotional dreams that he so wants to make real.

Under Spirit (that which is calling your spirit to action), we have the third knight in the reading, the Prince of Wands. This Prince is easily the most fabulous of the deck–check out his feathered headdress that rivals the splendor of the lion’s mane and the sun’s rays! Everything about him screams “THE PARTY DON’T START ‘TIL I WALK IN.” He holds the potential of all creation in his hand, and has the beginnings of an understanding of exactly what he can do with it. He has not yet achieved mastery, but he’s got control of the lion which is a great start. In the Spirit House, he brings fire to the soul-spark: he serves as an ignition switch (or a detonator, depending on what’s going on in your life at the moment). He will light the fire of your soul, and bring light to that which is darkest. He brings hope, which is the greatest igniter of all. The lion is a regal reminder of the sacredness of Spirit, the royalty we always are–as long as we can remember that and act accordingly.

Under Water (that which wants to be understood in your heart), we have Death. When someone we love dies, we don’t understand. When things in the world that we love and care about break, fall apart, or otherwise devolve into chaos, we don’t understand. When Russian soldiers get drunk and think it’d be hilarious to fire an immensely powerful missile into an airliner carrying 300 men, women, and children on board, we don’t understand. We don’t understand when men kill their partners, when priests molest children, when generals overthrow legally installed governments, when governments sell other governments billions of dollars worth of guns and then act surprised when those guns are used to massacre non-combatants; but most of all, we don’t understand why people we love have to die. What is Death? What is the cosmic end that is the gateway to the Great Beginning? Does it hurt? Do we wake up from it? What happens? And perhaps most of all: are the people we love who have died ok? Or are they gone, blinked away into nothing? What is all this lunacy of love and loss; what is the point of what we put ourselves through? These are the questions that haunt our hearts and yearn to be answered.

Or maybe that’s just me. ❀

Today’s Reading: What to take with you, what to leave behind

Good afternoon, dears!

Today’s reading is a simple two-card exploration that seems so relevant in summer: what do I take with me on my travels, and what do I leave behind? We’re using The Light and Shadow Tarot by Michael Goepferd and Brian Williams, a remarkable deck of block woodcuts that I’m finding wonderfully chatty these days.


The card on the left is what we should take with us before we go anywhere: The Queen of Cups. We must bring our own intuition, our best wisdom, and our loving faith in the wisdom we receive from Source. Don’t leave home without it. Seriously, you guys. If you can’t trust yourself, you’re not going to be able to trust anybody else. The Queen here represents your conduit to the Divine, your spark of the Sacred that you are never really without. Tap into it, and receive the wisdom it has to offer. Also don’t forget your heart: the Queen rules the realm of human emotion, so pay attention to why you’re going where you’re going. Are you running away from something, or toward something else?

The card on the right is what we should leave behind when we go: The Six of Swords reversed. When upright, this card is about movement between places (either physical or metaphorical), of leaving one situation behind and moving on into something new. So when reversed, the card can mean a stuckness, a rigidity that blocks flow and movement. Essentially the traveler’s boat has gotten stuck in the middle of the river and isn’t going anywhere. Taken with the Queen of Cups, whose element is water, it’s safe to say that we are encouraged to leave the boat entirely and immerse ourselves in the emotional waters of our lives right now. Just jump right out of that stupid stuck boat and swim to shore. The Queen is on your side to help you through the turmoil of the waters you’re in, and as the Navigator of the Six of Swords, you’ve got the tools you need to figure out where you’re going and how to get there. The critical piece of advice is to keep swimming, my friends. Don’t stop, or you’ll sink. Just keep swimming. 🙂