
Daily Draw: Moonrise, The World rev. (Jormundgandr), and Nine of Cups (Bara)

You are doing good work, so keep at it and protect what you’ve created so far. Your ancestors are with you, guiding you and helping you see the path beneath your feet. We are entering a full moon phase, so clarity (or at least some better kind of understanding) is coming. If you celebrate the ritual and spiritual side of Samhain (Halloween), you know that this Saturday evening is New Year’s Eve, and next Sunday the first of November is New Year’s Day. The Wheel is turning and the seasons are shifting from the phase of the sun to the phase of the moon. We are heading into darkness, but it’s a place where our wishes may be granted. Goodness is coming into being, and it’s important to see where our treasures lie. New treasures or treasures that we thought were long gone but have reappeared will be washing up from the depths and coming back to us for a second chance to work with them, so watch for those opportunities and take advantage of them when they arrive.


Daily Draw: Mercury Rising, Page of Cups rev. (Mengloth), and Aar (Far-Sightedness)

Today’s draw is a warning to slow down, breathe, relax, and take precautions agains harm. You are going places that may not be particularly healthy for you, so cut ties where you instinctively feel negativity. You are gestating something precious and it’s not ready to be born yet, so keep the end game in mind. Don’t just act in the now, for the now. Put your mind to the future, to what will be, what will come. In California, for example, the state is bone dry. We’ve had a terrible drought for four years, and we desperately need rain. So, what can Californians do to bring rain? Pray, of course, but that’s not all. There are people working as political activists to combat climate change in the policy sphere, and there are those who are changing their habits as best they can to reduce their carbon footprints. There are those who are cleaning up waterways and roadways, and others who are composting and home-farming and reducing waste as much as possible. These things won’t make it rain, but they will add to the larger effort to combat human effects on planetary systems in a healthy and healing way. On a personal level, the wisdom here is to look within to see what you can be doing to help yourself be healthier for the long-term. Your life is a long journey: do you want to be healthy for it? Start making changes now.

Decks: “A Curious Oracle,” Holly DeFount; “The Giants’ Tarot,” Raven Kaldera; “Das Germanische Götterorakel, Edition Roter Drache.”



Daily Draw: The Torch & The Owl

You’re too open right now. Practice whatever you know how to do to protect yourself. Evil is circling, looking for a weak point to attack. We here at Muse’s Darling Industries are not usually ones to sound the alarm about big-E “evil,” because these sorts of things are hard to quantify and they also can be different for everybody. But the message keeps showing up about needing protection, about defenses being down or otherwise vulnerable, and that Venetian mask keeps coming out of the charms bowl. Something is interfering with your ability to manifest. Call on your protective allies, your gods, guardians, guides, and ancestors, and ask them for help. The danger is real, so be careful out there.
